Animal management officers around the globe can now access the world’s only ISO17024 compliant international role certification.
The new Animal Management Officer (AMO) certificate offered by IPSQA provides an essential foundation for animal cruelty investigators and animal control officers to excel in their critical roles.
This comprehensive certification program is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively protect animals and serve their communities. Animal Management Officers play a vital role in ensuring the welfare of animals, enforcing animal-related laws, and promoting responsible guardianship. Their work not only safeguards the well-being of animals but also contributes to public safety and community harmony. By obtaining this certificate, AMOs can enhance their expertise in areas such as animal handling, cruelty investigations, and legal procedures, ultimately leading to more effective animal protection and improved community relations.
The Certificate in Public Safety (Animal Management Officer) [CertPubS®(AMO] requires the successful completion of three parts:
- Part A: Supervised multi-choice examination (multi-lingual)
- Part B: Practical skills assessment – animal handling and law enforcement skills
- Part C: Completion of portfolio of evidence (see below)
Part A and B tests candidates against a range of knowledge and skill requirements including:
- Legal, ethical, privacy and procedural considerations
- Animal breed identification and behaviour
- Animal handling, restraint and transportation
- Patrolling and response for animal law enforcement
- Animal capture and restraint
- Offence analysis, evidence collection and preservation
- Accountability and transparency laws
- Interviewing and report writing
- Hoarding and mental health
- Animal health including zoonoses
- Animal sheltering operations
- Forensic investigation considerations
- Humane trap operation
- Relationship between human and animal abuse
- DNA in animal management
- Animal identification systems
- Humane euthanasia, including use of captive bolt
- Community relations and outreach
- Media and social media management
- Emergency sheltering and evacuation
- Use of specialist equipment for animal management and personal safety
- Stress management and compassion fatigue
Part A: A written or online exam is used as part of the assessment (Part A) and tested under the supervision of a proctor. Accredited Testing Centres (ATCs) develop their own examination and submit it for moderation and approval by IPSQA (a fee applies).
Part B: As an ISO17024:2023 compliant certification product, the skill assessment is undertaken by an independent assessor (by subject matter experts). The assessment is not associated with any proprietary training, allowing agencies to deliver pre-assessment training as they best determine, let it be in-house or outsourced to a provider – how candidates get ready for assessment is up to you.
Part C: The candidate must also complete a prescribed evidence portfolio within 6 months and submit to IPSQA for assessment by a different assessor (assigned by IPSQA), not domiciled in the same country as the candidate as part of our Foreign Interference Protection (FIP) protocol which is unique to IPSQA. The portfolio includes evidence verified including
- Criminal record check (negative vetting) or Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) letter/warrant of appointment
- Experience of preparing case files (5) and issuing formal warnings (5)
- Preparation of prosecution file (actual or simulated) to a standard accepted by AHJ prosecutor or practicing lawyer
- 200 hours of attested animal management experience by supervisor
- Evaluations of two public education activities relating to animal management (30 mins each)
- Experience in conducting an animal housing facility inspection for ordinance, code or standard compliance
- Experience in responding to, and transporting injured animals to veterinary attention.
- Experience working within a multi-agency or mutual aid response affecting animals (hoarding, disaster, emergency, high risk compliance)
The certification is ideal for:
- Animal Control Officers
- Humane Officers
- Animal Cruelty Investigators
- Police Officers
- Animal Welfare Inspectors
- SPCA Inspectors
The Certificate in Public Safety (Animal Management Officer) also has a number of pre-requisites including:
- IPSQA CorePass® Dog Bite Prevention
- IPSQA CorePass® First Aid I
- IPSQA CorePass® Pet First Aid
- IPSQA CorePass® Tactical Communications
- IPSQA CorePass® Public Safety Radio
For candidates seeking certification for law enforcement, security and compliance, IPSQA offers a range of additional certification products including:
- IPSQA CorePass® Body Worn Camera Operation
- IPSQA CorePass® Stab Resistant Vest User
- IPSQA CorePass® Competent Swimmer
- IPSQA CorePass® Wildland Fire Safety
- IPSQA Award in Public Safety (Defensive Tactics)
- IPSQA ProQual NFPA 1006:2021 Animal Rescue Operator and Technician
- IPSQA Certificate in Public Safety (Emergency Vehicle Operator)
- IPSQA Certificate in Public Safety (Off Road Vehicle Operator)
Contact us or your local Accredited Testing Centre for further information.