IPSQA now offers certification for DEFRA Flood Rescue Modules 1-5, plus team commander with CorePass® and DefraQual®.

CorePass® vs. DefraQual®

IPSQA uses two certification schemes to provide third-party quality-assured assessment to verify water flood rescue personnel have met the modular training requirements under the DEFRA Flood Rescue Concept of Operations.

Module 1: Water & Flood Awareness

Using our CorePass® certification scheme, the DEFRA Awareness Module is assessed through an IPSQA Accredited Testing Centre (ATC) using a designated IPSQA Assessor. Unlike our DefraQual® scheme, CorePass® can be assessed by the instructor, which makes administration really simple and more cost effective. The assessment tool (i.e. theory exam) is internally moderated by the ATC and evidence is externally moderated periodically by IPSQA to ensure the quality of the certification. Candidates who successfully complete the CorePass® assessment receive a certificate of assessment that includes a section that can be folded into a wallet card (with optional photo), both have a QR code to enable real-time validation of certification. As per the Module 1 recertification requirements, the CorePass® for this certification expires after 12 months.

Module 2: Water & Flood First Responder to Module 5: Water & Flood Incident Manager

Modules 2 to 5 plus Team Commander, are certified under our DefraQual® scheme which is ISO17024:2012 compliant. A key difference to CorePass®, is that the assessor must be independent and cannot have been the candidates instructor within a two year period. All DefraQual® assessment tools, such as theory examinations are submitted to IPSQA for external moderation and must be approved prior to use (a fee applies). Assessment evidence including photographic or video media is collected to verify candidate performance and this is uploaded to the ITM database for passive surveillance as part of our wider quality assurance mechanisms. In addition to our ISO17024 series certificate, candidates also receive a wallet card, both provided in PDF and valid for three years. The certificate and wallet card both have a QR code for real-time validation of all the candidate’s IPSQA certifications, regardless of ATC or assessor used. ATC’s can also print plastic IPSQA photographic identification cards that also displays the candidates’ QR code.

Read our product comparison chart if you would like to learn more about our various schemes.

Read the DEFRA Flood Rescue Concept of Operations if you would like to learn more about the different training module levels.