In 2023, over 5,800 postal workers in the U.S. were attacked by dogs, highlighting the risk for delivery personnel who often enter private properties.

Approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs annually in the United States, with about 800,000 requiring medical attention. 

The risk of dog bite is higher for those entering unfamiliar private property, such as those carrying emergency, law enforcement and service related tasks. CorePass® Dog Bite Prevention is aimed at these high risk groups to reduce the risk of dog attack. It is beneficial to emergency services as it provides them with quality assured and validated certification on handling potential canine encounters, thereby reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing safety and confidence during their operations.

Whether used as a stand-alone assessment, or the assessment is integrated within a training programme, a summative assessment is performed by a designated IPSQA Assessor who will test the candidate against a range of skills and knowledge requirements including:

  • Legal, ethical, privacy and procedural considerations
  • Data management, access, tagging storage and security
  • Operation of body worn cameras to de-escalate and record evidence
  • Preparing data for presentation in legal proceedings

The certification is ideal for:

  • Police Officers
  • Emergency Medical Technicians
  • Humane Officers
  • Firefighters
  • Paramedics
  • Meter readers
  • Postal workers
  • Couriers

Our CorePass® scheme is different from our other certifications (such as CertPubS®, DefraQual®, ProQual, WorkQual etc), as it does not use the ISO17024:2012 standard. This means the assessor can also be the candidate’s instructor and a lighter level of quality assurance applies. Assessment is still robust with the Accredited Testing Provider still required to ensure assessment tools used are compliant and that evidence is retained for external audit and moderation.

For candidates seeking certification for law enforcement, security and compliance, IPSQA offers a range of other certification products including:

  • IPSQA CorePass® Dog Bite Prevention
  • IPSQA CorePass® First Aid I-IV
  • IPSQA CorePass® Tactical Communications
  • IPSQA Award in Public Safety (Defensive Tactics)

Contact us or your local Accredited Testing Centre for further information.

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Dog Bite Statistics – World Animal Foundation