IPSQA is embarking on an integrated human-canine multi-role certification system for working dog operations.
Working dogs (canines) play a crucial role across a wide range of public safety functions, including search and rescue, human remains detection, security, drug detection, biosecurity management, offender tracking and apprehension, and more. IPSQA is now developing the world’s first human-canine multi-role certification scheme, which verifies that both the handler and the assigned canine are prepared for operational tasking.
The certification process is comprehensive, ensuring that handlers are certified in accordance with ISO17024:2012 while also assessing the working dog to meet prescribed operational standards. This groundbreaking approach establishes a global database for public safety working dogs and their handlers, allowing for real-time verification to enhance the authentication of bona fide human-canine teams, particularly when operating across borders.
A key feature of this certification scheme is the consolidation of the handler’s IPSQA certifications, which can include technical rescue, first aid, law enforcement, medical qualifications, fitness, and continuing professional development. All of these credentials are accessible through a single QR code-verifiable transcript, streamlining the verification process.
When the handler and canine are assessed together against IPSQA’s working dog standards, an operational certification document is issued. This document unifies both their details in a single record that can be presented to border officials and public safety managers. This innovative approach ensures a standardised and efficient method for verifying the qualifications and operational readiness of human-canine teams across various public safety domains.
Working Dog Standards
IPSQA is currently working on the following public safety working dog standards that will codify a range of national and other international certification requirements, including:
- Wilderness
- Avalanche
- Water Search
- Human Remains
- Urban Search & Rescue
- Biosecurity
- Explosive Detection
- Narcotic Detection
- Cash Detection
- General Security
- General Policing
- Military Operations
Certificate in Public Safety (Canine Specialist)
Our ISO17024 compliant flagship certification scheme will host the human handler certification requirements, with a strand (endorsement) with one of the above public safety working dog standards. The handler (canine specialist) will need to undertake a three part assessment, once they have met the respective strand’s pre-requisites.
The Certificate in Public Safety (CertPubS®) [Canine Specialist] requires the successful completion of three parts:
- Part A: Supervised multi-choice examination and animal welfare/ethics agreement
- Part B: Practical skills assessment – deploy, direct and manage public safety canine tasks
- Part C: Completion of portfolio of evidence including supervisor attestation and verified experience (operations or exercises)
This product range also is subject to our Foreign Interference Protection meaning the human candidates final submission is assessed by a senior assessor that is not domiciled in the same country as the candidate.
Please contact us if you are interested to support this project as a subject matter expert.
This groundbreaking certification scheme by IPSQA sets a new global standard for human-canine teams in public safety roles, ensuring consistent quality and enhancing operational effectiveness across borders.
National Security Protocol
IPSQA collaborates with government agencies to implement specialised assessment protocols for personnel involved in national security operations. These protocols ensure that the identities of handlers and special operators remain undocumented in any database until their discharge from service. This approach safeguards the confidentiality of sensitive operatives throughout their active duty. Upon completion of service, these individuals can seamlessly transition to civilian life, equipped with appropriate civilian certifications. Learn more about the National Security Protocol.
Approved References
Across the product series candidates must demonstrate knowledge and skills consistently with approved references.