Pre-Assessment Moderation Submission

Accredited Testing Centre (ATC) Details

For example Acme Training USA, or Big Rocket Fire Department etc.
Enter the ATC Number (i.e. 23009)

Contact Person

Please provide an email address so we can contact the above person making the submission.
Please provide a phone number, in case we need to contact the person making the application. Please supply in international format (i.e. +972888666).

Assessment Tool Details

Provide the standard and version that the assessment tool is intended to assess (i.e. NFPA1006:2021 Chapter 4.2 Tower Rescue Operations Level, or DefraQual Module 3 Technician, or Certificate in Public Safety Dive Operator etc).
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This should be PDF or MS Word format and include the blank examination paper that the candidate will use.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
This should be PDF or MS Word format and include the marking guide for the candidate assessment tool.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Attach an evidence map for the candidate assessment tool that clearly details the correlation between the standard's requirements and question numbers.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This is used only where directed by IPSQA such as for the submission of a Part B skills assessment tool. Otherwise leave blank.
This helps us prioritize our moderation activities. Please note we aim to provide the initial moderation report within 14 days.
List any comments for the moderator if required.
I/we acknowledge that the submitted assessment tool must not be used for IPSQA assessments until formal approval is provided. I/we further understand that IPSQA aims to provide an initial pre-assessment moderation report (IPS003) within 14 days. If you have an urgent request, please contact us directly at
Price: $500.00
Please enter payment details.