Contact Person

Please provide an email address so we can contact the person making the application.
Please provide a phone number, in case we need to contact the person making the application.
An assessor's first application is covered by their assessor course fee. Subsequent applications for that assessor have an associated fee which is invoiced. ATC Administrators can check if previous designations have been approved by checking the assessors ITM profile (under designations). Visit for current pricing.

Assessor Details

This is available from their IPSQA certificate or ITM record.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 20 files.
Upload evidence to support assessor designation application. Evidence for CorePass must already be held on the assessors ITM profile (under documents). If your certifications are older than 24 months, attach evidence of currency such as certificates, diplomas, transcripts, logs or letters of attestation. Max. 20Mb each file.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you do not have an ITM record with an ID photo displayed, or you are unsure, please upload a head and shoulders photo (professional style). Under 2Mb, and dimensions 150 (wide) x 200 (height), colour. Only PNG, JPG and GIF formats.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Optional, however this may help us provide advice on other designations you may be suitable for.

Certification Products

Indicate which certification products you are applying for the assessor to be able to assess, based on the above uploaded evidence. Please ensure you have reviewed the "Additional Assessor Requirements" noted on the syllabus within ITM.
Add me to the global shared record in ITM, so that any ATC can search for me as I an open to be contacted for freelance assessor opportunities
If the certification product is not listed above, you may indicate it here, or make any other comment to assist with the application.
Price: $75.00
I/we agree to the IPSQA Code of Conduct available from and IPSQA Privacy Policy available from I/we understand this fee is not refundable and designations are subject to determination by IPSQA.


CorePass assessor designations applications require the assessor to hold suitable qualifications, including Additional Assessor Requirements (as per IPS010) where applicable. IPSQA will conduct an verification that such qualifications are on the assessor’s ITM profile (documents). 

All assessor designation for ISO17024 products (CertPubS, ProQual, WorkQual, DefraQual) are at the discretion of IPSQA and subject to review by expert panel. This may take up to 14 days. 

A fee applies for additional designation applications and is not refundable. One re-submission is permitted, however re-submissions must be made within 14 days, otherwise a new application and fee is payable.