Only use this form if directed to by IPSQA. Submitted content subject to approval and edit by IPSQA.

Name as it will appear on website.
Enter your current role and affiliations e.g.: Director, ACME Systems; Board, National Fire Systems Trust etc. These will be listed on the website.
List which country you want to be listed as affiliated with.
This is for form administration only. Your email will NOT be listed on the website to prevent spam.
If you would like your organisational or linkedin profile, please enter the URL here.
Written in formal third person style, write about your experience and expertise. For example "John is a Emmy Award winning actor..." This will be shown on the website. Ensure you cover background, key achievements, countries worked, and years of experience.
List your credentials, one for each line. This will be shown on the website.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
landscape, 4:3 ratio <4Mb .png .jpg format only. Try to use a photo that clearly shows your face in an action or professional environment in the background. This should NOT be a front on "identification" photo. You can upload up to three for consideration.