CorePass® Workplace Trainer is designed to provide an entry-level certification for those developing and delivering skill lessons.

IPSQA focuses on assessment rather than training, which is why we do not offer role-specific instructor certifications. This approach helps maintain the integrity and impartiality of our assessment practices. However, we recognize the critical importance of training in public safety and offer non-role specific educator certifications, such as the CorePass® Workplace Trainer certification.

The CorePass® Workplace Trainer certification is a comprehensive, quality-assured program designed to equip public safety professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to become effective educators. This certification covers both theoretical principles and practical applications, ensuring that certified trainers are well-prepared to embark on their journey as professional public safety educators.

The benefit of CorePass® is that agencies can take back control of their training and deliver instructor courses as they want. CorePass® can be integrated into the course, used as a summative assessment for the course or as part of Recognition of Current Competency for existing experienced trainers wanting a formal credential.

By offering this certification, we support the development of skilled trainers in the public safety sector while maintaining a clear distinction between assessment and training functions. This approach allows us to uphold the highest standards of quality and objectivity in both areas.


  • Recall adult learning models and theories
  • Develop lesson plan for assigned training outcome
  • Identify and apply training aids for workplace training
  • Prepare for delivery of workplace training session
  • Deliver workplace training lesson using prepared lesson plan
  • Create and maintain positive learning environment
  • Implement active listening techniques
  • Utilise questioning techniques during lesson delivery
  • Manage group dynamics during a workplace training session
  • Provide constructive feedback to learners
  • Review feedback from learners and stakeholders following lesson
  • Complete and maintain training records following lesson
  • Prepare a professional development plan for self as a trainer
  • Apply health and safety controls to a workplace training session.


The CorePass Workplace Trainer certification is designed to appeal to a diverse group of professionals from various public safety and high-risk industries, including fire services, rescue operations, law enforcement, security, first aid, and more. This certification is particularly relevant for:

  • Assessors: Professionals who evaluate the competence and skills of others in their field.
  • Trainers and Instructors: Those responsible for delivering educational content and developing skills in others.
  • Team Leaders: Individuals who guide and mentor teams within their organizations.
  • Training Officers: Specialists dedicated to organizing and overseeing training programs.
  • Learning & Development Officers: Professionals focused on enhancing the knowledge and capabilities of their workforce.

Next Steps

Successful candidates may wish to consider seeking higher level certification offered by IPSQA such as our ProQual NFPA 1041 (Fire & Emergency Services) Instructor Level I-III.

Candidates must demonstrate skills consistently with approved references such as the text Fire and Emergency Services Instructor (IFSTA).

For candidates seeking certification for related competencies, IPSQA offers a range of other certification products including:

Real-time QR code certificate verification on all IPSQA products

Further information

Contact us or your local Accredited Testing Centre for further information.

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