IPSQA is excited to announce it’s new certification standard for adventure zip line rescue.

IPSQA4001:2024, the new WorkQual certification standard for adventure zip line rescue has now been approved.

Working with industry experts, including TRAKS PRO who have contributed to the development and operations of numerous zipline projects, the new certification provides the gold standard for adventure park staff.

This certification ensures that staff are not only capable of operating such systems safely but can also perform simple to complex rescues, providing clients with unparalleled confidence. The standard aligns with BS EN 13814-2:2019 (Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices – Operation, maintenance and use) and accommodates local regulatory requirements as well.

The new credential is part of IPSQA’s new WorkQual range of certification products for non-public safety life critical functions using an assessment system that conforms with ISO17024:2012.