Welcome to the online examination. Please read the following instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and fair testing experience.
1. Technical Requirements:
- Use an approved device (laptop or desktop) for the examination provided by the ATC.
- Do not use your own personal device to undertake the examination.
- Ensure that the device supplied has at least 50% battery power before starting.
- We recommend that you watch the video below to ensure you are familiar with the online testing platform features before starting.
2. Environment:
- Ensure you are comfortable and dressed for the conditions.
- Your environment should be free of distractions and interruptions.
3. Identification:
- Have a valid government issued photo ID ready for verification and have this placed next to your examination cover sheet.
- Follow any additional identity verification procedures provided by the examination platform.
- The proctor will verify your visual identity, cross checking examination cover sheet photo with your identification.
- The proctor will not take a copy of your government issued identification for privacy reasons.
4. Exam Access:
- Start the exam only when instructed to do so.
- If there are any technical issues, contact the proctor immediately.
5. Exam Rules:
- Follow all exam rules and instructions provided by the proctor.
- Do not use any unauthorized materials, including notes, textbooks, or external devices.
- Adhere to the specified time limit for the exam.
- When finished please wait or leave quietly.
- If you have to leave the room during your examination you will not be able to return.
- Do not attempt to navigate off from the online examination to other pages or access the device settings.
6. Communication:
- Do not communicate with anyone during the exam unless instructed otherwise.
- Disable messaging apps and any other communication tools not related to the exam.
- Place your personal devices (set to off/silent) securely in your bag away where it is not accessible.
7. Submission:
- Submit your completed exam as per the provided instructions.
- Confirm that all required files or answers are uploaded before the submission deadline.
8. Emergency Procedures:
- In case of technical issues or emergencies, follow the designated protocol provided.
- If there is a disruption, contact technical support and await further instructions.
9. Academic Integrity:
- Maintain academic integrity throughout the examination.
- Any form of cheating or misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action.
10. End of Exam:
- Log out of the examination platform only when instructed to do so.
- Ensure all activities related to the exam are concluded before leaving the virtual examination environment.
- If your examination result is displayed, do not close the window or go back. Stay on the result screen to allow the proctor to verify.
- A copy of your examination result is emailed to IPSQA, but not to your proctor. The result recorded by the proctor will be audited against the automated result held by IPSQA.
Thank you for your cooperation. We wish you the best of luck in your examination.