IPSQA 3007:2022

Standard for Public Safety Qualification: Emergency Vehicle Operator

Standard: 3007

Version: 2022

Level: 4

Credit: 30

Subject Area: Driving

Assessment Pre-requisite: Open.

Awarding Qualification: IPSQA Certificate in Public Safety (Emergency Vehicle Operator)

Awarding Postnominal: CertPubS®(EVO)

Graduate Profile

Graduates of this certification are able operate an emergency vehicle under operational conditions, including carrying out pre-driving checks, operate vehicle warning devices, navigate to an incident, apply safe driving practices, position vehicle safely at incidents and recommission the vehicle for future use. 

Knowledge Outcomes

K1. Demonstrate knowledge of IPSQA certification scheme.

K2. Demonstrate knowledge of escape tactics from submerging vehicle.

K3. Demonstrate knowledge of environmental hazards when driving. 

K4. Demonstrate knowledge of safe driving practices. 

Range: fatigue management. 

K5. Demonstrate knowledge of human factors affecting emergency response driving.

Range: red mist.

K6. Demonstrate knowledge of vehicle dynamics.

Range: skid avoidance, skid management. 

K7. Demonstrate knowledge of vehicle safety features.

Range: Airbags, Auto-Lock Breaking System (ABS), Stability Control.

K8. Identify hazards caused by personal protective equipment interference.

K9. Demonstrate knowledge of All Wheel Drive (AWD) system operation and limitations. 

K10. Demonstrate knowledge of local laws and rules for vehicle types and classes.

K11. Demonstrate knowledge of local laws and rules for emergency response driving. 

K12. Demonstrate knowledge of agency standard operating procedures and insurance policies for emergency response driving. 

K13. Demonstrate knowledge of agency vehicle fault and incident reporting.  

Skill Outcomes

S1. Carry out pre-response vehicle systems check.

Range: inventory, operating systems, load distribution, documentation.  

S2. Plan and navigate route to incident using GPS and manual maps. 

S3. Operate communication systems whilst enroute to incident.

Range: May include but not limited to radio, mobile telephone, satellite device, mobile data terminal. 

S4. Apply defensive driving tactics and operate warning systems enroute to emergency as driver between sunrise and sunset.

S5. Apply defensive driving tactics and operate warning systems enroute to emergency as driver during between sunset and sunrise. 

S6. Arrive and position vehicle appropriately at incident. 

S7. Perform refueling or recharging of vehicle for operational readiness. 

S8. Carry out post-response vehicle check.

Professional Requirements

P1. Verified logged experience as driver responding urgently in congested urban traffic environment for 5 responses.

P2. Verified logged experience as navigator in support of driver responding urgently in congested urban traffic environment for 5 responses.

P3. Verified logged experience as driver responding urgently on open highway traffic environment for 5 responses.  

P4. Holds current government issued driver license for vehicle type being used during assessment. 

P5. Reflect on logged experience and explain compliance with local laws, standard operating procedures and insurance requirements. 

P6. Explain emergency vehicle fault and collision reporting procedures.


Minor (O): the assessment shall end upon three or more the following minor discrepancies made by the candidate.  

O1. Late or excessive braking.

O2. Harsh driver control inputs (brake, steering, accelerator, excessive speed).

O3. Slow to identify hazards, poor hazard management, poor decision making. 

O4. Fails to drive with purpose (fails to make progress).

O5. Fails to maintain predictive driving pattern to other road users.

O6. Poor or incorrect use of equipment. 

O7. Excessive time taken in individual task. 

O8. Fails to drive defensively with other road users. 

O9. Poor technique that allows an unsafe condition to develop including causing the vehicle to start pushing driver around. 

O10. Inappropriate use of warning devices. 

O11. Forearms cross up (preventing rotation or turn) or poor steering technique. 

O12. Anti-Brake System activated during assessment. 

O13. Lack of confidence in task noticeable. 

O14. Steering wheel allowed to free return/self-centre

O15. Personal protective equipment interferes with safe operation of vehicle. 

O16. Equipment not secured affects vehicle dynamics or safety. 

Major (X): the assessment shall end upon any of the following major discrepancies made by the candidate.  

X1. Excessive time taken to complete task.

X2. Task not completed.

X3. Breaches local law, regulation or other statutory directive. 

X4. Breach of organizational driving policy or procedure. 

X5.  Sustained loss of traction. 

X6. Action or inaction that causes or likely to cause injury

X7. Under or over steering. 

X8. Vehicle used against manufacturer warning notice

X9. Candidate instructed to stop by Assessor due to medical concern. 

X10. Failing to wear safety belt (if fitted).

X11. Collision with other objects or causes other vehicle to avoid/collide. 

X12. Failing to maintain full control of vehicle. 

X13. Excessive speed for environment. 

X14. Fraud, cheating or coaching. 

X15. Fails to activate warning devices. 

X16. Breach of organization (candidates) emergency driving procedures/policies. 

X17. Vehicle autonomously intervenes to uncorrected safety issue. 

X18. Breach of IPSQA Code of Conduct. 

Special Notes

N1. Skill and knowledge performance must be consistent to approved industry references and meet local laws and standard operating procedures.

N2. The English version of this standard takes precedence over any translated version.

N3. Professional requirements (P1-P3) may be met using an IPSQA approved emergency driving simulator.

N4. Vehicle being used must be fitted with warning devices including siren and beacon/s.

N5. Vehicle being used must be in safe and serviceable condition and meet local vehicle safety requirements. 

N6. Realistic and safe conditions must be provided for the skills assessment. The use of closed roads is recommended. 

N7. Automatic, selectable automatic, manual transmission or electric drive may be used during the assessment. The vehicle must not be operated in autonomous mode (i.e. self-drive). 

Certification Period

Valid for 36 months. 

Recertification Requirements

Completion of 8 hours of Continuing Professional Development; and re-assessment of Part B.


Approved on 22 December 2022, on the recommendation of the Certification Commission.

